Even psychologists are not inmune to cognitive dissonance, the irony lol. Criticism is important, also the background of the person who created the critic, for example Hassan only speaks about cognitive dissonance (directly from Festingers material) in his second book and little mentioned about it (2 pages), at the end he wrote:
"Of course, cognitive dissonance theory is a gross simplification of a highly complex phenomenon. I am sure tha in the future, there will be even better scientific theories to help explain this phenomenon"
Aronson gives a more updated version of dissonance and he describes it as a simplistic theory at first glance but paves the way to many complex methods of studying dissonance.
Now why did Hassan use the word "gross" and a little touch of wishfull thinking? Could it be that Hassan does not have a problem of young defenceless baby boys having their penis foreskin mutilated? Could it be his religious views? What are the reasons that religions are only considered destructive cults when they meet all five elements of the B.I.T.E. model and not just one of them? ;)
Never stop asking questions.
What has this to do with critical analysis? Almost nothing but its good to keep cognitive dissonance theory in mind